The Global Quality School
Des que es va fundar el 1967, La Miranda ha ofert una educació global i d’alta qualitat en un entorn multilingüe a estudiants que van des dels 9 mesos fins als 18 anys d’edat.
El nostre centre aposta pel multilingüisme com a primer pas per assolir l’excel·lència educativa, tot treballant amb 7 idiomes (anglès, mandarí o rus, entre d’altres).
Headteacher's Welcome
Welcome to La Miranda. Love, enthusiasm, and solidarity are the principles that form the foundation of our global, multilingual, high-quality education model. As educators who seek the best for our students, we aim to lead by example by ensuring these principles are at the forefront of our practices. For over 50 years, our heritage of academic excellence and outstanding reputation has been a benchmark of quality in private education.
However, our success has only been possible due to the support of our school community, especially our students, families, teachers, and professionals, all of whom have remained committed to innovation, research, and working together. It has been a team effort to ensure each child and young person that attends La Miranda receives an excellent comprehensive education, from birth to university.
At our school, students across all divisions learn how to think for themselves and live their lives purposefully while fully appreciating the world around them. We teach our learners to understand the benefits of critical thinking and raise awareness of social causes. We also aim to share global values and actively work with families to offer multilingual, cutting-edge training, which allows for a broader worldview and international opportunities.
Our mission is to train our pupils in all areas. We aim to equip them with robust academic education while also nurturing their interests beyond school to encourage the development of emotional, physical, intellectual, and social skills. Our vision is for the children attending our school to develop into happy, multilinguistic people who are aware of their values and social responsibility and have confidence in their abilities. Our unique approach provides access to multiple opportunities so pupils can learn and apply their knowledge, while growing within an enriching environment that promotes critical thought and the freedom to explore within a supportive system.
At La Miranda, we believe that cultural diversity and multilingualism are the first steps towards excellence in international education. We offer a solid multilingual educational programme encompassing three main languages - Catalan, Spanish and English - and four second languages - French, Mandarin Chinese, German and Russian - to allow our students to gain several internationally-recognised qualifications.
Our pedagogical system is committed to innovation and consolidates each stage with practical, proven methodologies. As a result, our students are encouraged to cultivate multiple skills and form long-lasting learning habits while strengthening their communication, social, self-management, and research skills. At the end of their studies, our senior students attain high results in University Entrance Exams: 90% have access to their first choice of institution and enrol in prestigious universities worldwide.
I am very proud to run a school where children feel truly loved and valued. They gain a first-class education that places them in an excellent position to flourish, positively contribute to the world around them, and achieve their full potential in their lives beyond school.
Quatre Pilars de l'educació:
A La Miranda, l'Escola de Qualitat Global, pretenem formar nens i joves competents en tots els àmbits per tal que puguin prendre les decisions correctes en els moments crítics de la seva vida.
Fruit de la seva educació integral, els nostres alumnes d'Infantil, Primària, Secundària i Batxillerat, completen la seva escolarització com a joves plurilingües amb confiança en si mateixos, empatia pels altres i capacitat d'escolta i resolució de conflictes. El nostre objectiu és que, com a resultat de la seva educació, tinguin un inici de vida equilibrat i continuïn prosperant com a adults realitzats.
El rendiment acadèmic i l'evolució intel·lectual dels nostres alumnes són fonamentals per a la nostra missió.
La interacció entre els nostres alumnes té un paper fonamental en el seu desenvolupament personal i emocional.
Comenceu el vostre viatge inspirador aquí!